Board Members

Cathrin Clift
Responsibilities: Point of contact for member request’s as well as requests from outside, Networking opportunities and communication between registered dramatherapists, Registration Coordination.
Dramatherapist with a systemic-oriented approach, certified psychologist, communications and behavioral coach, independent coach, supervisor and lecture in the fields of crisis intervention, pastoral care, trauma therapy and prevention since 2006.

Henk Goebel
Responsibilities: Organisation of annual member’s meeting and international summer school, public relations, member’s newsletter, finances, website.
Trauma-centered counselour (DeGPT/BAG-TP), dramatherapist (DGfT), social worker in matters of sexual violence, immigration and child protection, lecturer at the Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, co-founder of the Berlin playback ensemble „Die Spiegelneuronen“.

Gada Hammoudah
Actress, theater therapist, communication and behavioral trainer. Since 2014, independent trainer and speaker in the areas of resilience, rhetoric, team building, conflict management and diversity management. Dramatherapeutic work with adults and young people.